CEEPUS General Information

Assoc. Prof. Dr.

Melita Mihaljević

Contact person for CEEPUS

The Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS) is a regional multilateral academic mobility program established in 1994. It supports mobility of students and teaching staff within CEEPUS networks. Mobilities can be also realized outside of the networks by CEEPUS freemovers. Currently, there are 15+ members states who join the CEEPUS III Program to cooperate mainly on the development of joint studies within the 9th priority area referring to People&Skills of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR).

Each year, a quota of available scholarships for incoming mobilities is determined by authorized body of each participating country. Each country determines the amount of scholarships for different categories of participants, as well as other rights granted to CEEPUS participants, such as free accommodation, subsidized meals, health insurance, etc. Amounts of scholarships are sufficient for realization of mobility, as they are determined in proportion to the standard of living of a receiving country. Students are also exempt from tuition fees.

As of present, the Department of Biology is a partner in the active CEEPUS Network EcoManAqua – Ecology and Management of Ecosystems in Central and Southeast Europe (CIII-AT-1101-00-1819).