Kalamata, Greece (13.3.-20.3.), organization: Culti Multi
Like most trips, a trip to the city on the coast of Greece’s largest peninsula sounds immediately appealing. Kalamata was certainly nothing less than expected, from the beautiful Greek city suitable for life to the wonderful people who made it at least those seven days of travel. The “Boost Your Skills to Help the NEETS” program exceeded my expectations. The supportive organizers provided us with numerous informative content, starting with explanations and applications of formal and informal education, all the way to entrepreneurial ideas and designing your own business. We were also given the opportunity to get to know the cultures, customs and interesting things of the countries that participated in the project through “Intercultural night” and “Coffee breaks” of each country. Thanks to the good will of the participants, we were able to try food, drinks and other specialties of other countries. Folk dances and social games characteristic of each country were another factor that brought entertainment to our program. It would be a shame not to mention the satisfying amount of free time that we were then able to spend in the company of participants from other countries. Despite the interesting activities of acquiring knowledge and getting to know myself better, that part of socializing with others was the most beautiful for me. In our environment, in addition to young people of our age, there were also older people who, together with us, made up the diversity that further enriched this experience. Activities and tasks also encompassed the involvement of all participants, getting to know each other and cooperation. The trip to this sweet city of Peloponnese, along with a handful of acquired knowledge, left me with a long series of positive impressions, memories to last a lifetime and a great desire for new similar experiences.